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OU professor leads students on memorable trip to London

icon of a calendarNovember 4, 2022

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OU professor leads students on memorable trip to London
Professor Engle in London
OU students with Professor Engle at Lambeth Palace archives reviewing the devotional book of King Richard III — the last English king to die in battle. (Photos courtesy Randall Engle)

每年夏天, 奥克兰 大学 Professor Randall Engle leads two separate classes – “Tudors of England” in June and “Cross and Crown” in August — on Study Abroad trips to London, where students spend about two weeks visiting and learning about some of the city’s historic landmarks.

“The classes begin on campus and finish with 12 days in London,恩格尔说。. “在伦敦, we see all the sights related to the lectures that were given in class, including Leicester, St. 保罗的, Westminster Abbey, 汉普顿宫, Buckingham Palace, 剑桥, the Tower of London, 和更多的.

“事实上, last June’s class attended the Platinum Jubilee parade of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II,他补充道. “Sadly, we can now say that we witnessed the last balcony appearance of Her Majesty.”

The students stay in flats (apartments) in Central London and are within walking distance from tube stations, and are in close proximity to all things Tudor: St. James Palace, Lambeth Palace, and Whitehall. 汉普顿宫 Palace and Windsor Castle are a short train ride away as well.

Professor Engle in London
Professor Engle reviews the 1952 Coronation
Bible of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

“Over the years, I’ve established great contacts at Lambeth Palace with the Lord Archivist,恩格尔说。. “OU students are now allowed in with me to this little known palace on the bank of the Thames, home of the Archbishop of Canterbury.

“The archives hold priceless, uninsurable treasures,” Engle added. “例如, we’ve been allowed access to a Gutenberg Bible, a Wycliffe Bible, a Tyndale Bible, Richard III's devotional book (that he used the morning the day he died in battle), and extant working drafts of the King James Bible.”

8月, Engle and his students were also allowed to see the Queen Elizabeth’s Coronation Bible, which was presented to her at her 1953 coronation.

“She took her monarchial oath on this very Bible after it was presented to her during the coronation ceremony by the Archbishop of Canterbury,恩格尔说。. “The Bible had been on loan and exhibit during the Platinum Jubilee year, but just returned to the archives and the Lord Archivist gave me gracious permission to view it.”

To learn more about the “Tudors of England” program, visit www.奥克兰.edu/ie/ou-programs/tudors-of-england. For more information about the “Cross and Crown” program, visit www.奥克兰.edu/ie/ou-programs/cross-and-crown-in-london-england.

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