灰熊队穿着印有奥克兰字样的球衣, 有人在他身后穿过房间



365英国上市官网提供140个本科学位, 所有这些都在课堂上提供实践培训, 实验室与现场. 你将与出版作家教授密切合作, 该领域著名的研究人员和专家. 他们会成为你的导师, pushing you academically and helping you draw connections between theory and practice.


365英国上市官网 如何查看你的录取状态 见你的招生顾问


365英国上市官网 provides you the opportunity to get involved in undergraduate research as early as your freshman year. 你将和你的教授一起工作, 在研究实验室内外, 致力于能改变现实生活的项目和实验. 这些机会将使你在竞争中占得先机.


在奥克兰县的中心, 美国最繁荣的县之一, 俄勒冈州立大学是机遇的中心. 在就业服务中心的帮助下, you’ll have the chance to land internships and placements within major corporations like Stellantis, Corewell Health(原Beaumont Health), 通用汽车(General Motors), Quicken Loans和Continental AG.


365英国上市官网以其小校园的感觉而自豪, 紧密的社区和敬业的学生. 你会发现校园里你最喜欢的学习地点和朋友们一起玩的地方. You’ll have a chance to get involved with any of Oakland’s 250+ student organizations.


在经济上帮助你, OU提供付款计划, 把你的学期学费分成小额支付. 超过50%的学生通过贷款获得经济援助, 助学金及勤工俭学, 每年价值超过1.75亿美元. Oakland also offers more than 250 奖学金 to students, most of which are renewable.


有资格进入秋季学期,并以成绩为基础 奖学金,在3月1日前提交所有所需材料. 奖学金是根据学业成绩、GPA、坐、行为等颁发的.,在入学时. 学生可以在此之前提交最新的成绩单和考试成绩 3月1日 申请复议.

如欲直接申请开放大学护理学理学士学位,请通过以下方式申请 11月1日 你高中最后一年的照片.

开放大学的商业荣誉直接录取项目对所有学生进行审查 补充申请 在你进入365英国上市官网之前.

开放大学音乐学院的专业, 戏剧和舞蹈, 你必须被接受并参与 试镜.


Generally, first-year student admission to 365英国上市官网 is based on a combination of criteria:

  • 完整的365英国上市官网 入学申请. While an essay is optional, interested students may choose to include an essay for consideration.
  • 高中累计平均绩点3分.2或以上. 累积平均绩点低于3分者.2,但大于2.5、在考虑学术准备质量后,可能会被录取. Scholarship awards are based on a student's academic record at the time of admission. 然而, students may submit updated transcripts and/or test scores for scholarship reconsideration until the 3月1日 scholarship priority deadline.
  • 坐 or 行为 scores are no longer required for incoming freshman students through the fall of 2025, 高中GPA不低于2分的学生.5.
  • 大学预科课程的数量和类型
  • 成绩的积极趋势

此外,学生必须满足他们的州毕业要求. 有兴趣申请365英国上市官网的一年级学生 荣誉学院 应该检查一下他们的 附加入学条件.

We strongly encourage students to follow a college preparatory curriculum that includes:

  • 四年英语
  • 至少三年的数学,包括中级代数
  • 至少三年的社会科学专业
  • 至少三年的生物/物理科学专业经验
  • 至少两年的外语学习经验

365英国上市官网  要求推荐信作为新生入学申请的一部分.

如果你在2008年之前毕业,并且没有坐或行为综合成绩, 联系本科招生处,电话:(248)370-3360.

Admission of individuals whose formal education has been interrupted for three or more years, 通常不符合其他入学标准的学生, may be considered based on one or more of the following: sustained employment record; recommendations from employers, educators and other professionals; and standardized test results. An interview with an 365英国上市官网 Admissions Adviser is required for such applicants to be considered for admission.

OU is temporarily suspending the standardized test requirement for first-year students applying for academic terms through the fall of 2025. 


如果我申请的是一年级/大一学生, 我需要参加坐或行为考试并把成绩发给你吗?

OU has suspended the standardized test requirement for students applying for freshman admission through the fall of 2025.


Students are not precluded from taking standardized tests (坐 or 行为) and sending scores if they are able. 这样做可以支持他们的机构奖学金资格, 同时帮助他们安排课程.


OU cannot instruct individual schools or districts on how to choose to implement their grading policy. 如果你的高中允许不同的课程有不同的评分选择, 你可以选择你认为对每门课程最有利的评分方式. 请记住,及格成绩将不包括在GPA计算中, 如果他们被认可为荣誉,他们也不会在GPA中获得额外的学分, 大学先修课程(AP)或国际学士学位课程(IB). 然而, AP和IB课程的成绩将被重新计算, 如果你的学校不提供加权平均绩点.


This 不 lower the bar for OU admission; admission at OU is highly sought after and will continue to be just as competitive. At OU we review a student’s cumulative high school grade point average and also take into consideration the rigor of their curriculum, 包括任何荣誉, 大学先修课程(AP)和国际学士学位(IB)课程.


在家上学的学生也需要至少获得2分.5个高中累积绩点将被考虑录取, but similarly will not be required to submit standardized test scores for admission consideration. 他们仍将被鼓励提交标准化考试成绩, 当测试可用时, 因为这样做可以支持他们的机构奖学金资格, 申请某些奖学金,并帮助他们安排课程.

How does this admission change affect University scholarship and need-based aid awards for incoming freshmen?

此时此刻, we plan to continue offering several scholarship awards that do not require a standardized test score, 还有一些需要分数. This change has no effect on our institutional need-based financial aid awards for incoming freshmen.

  1. 完成 在线申请.
  2. 你的正式高中成绩单送到本科招生处了吗. 如果你的学校使用Parchment服务来申请成绩单,你可以申请 点击这里 to have your official transcripts sent directly to our office (or follow the instructions in this video). 也请安排期末考试, official transcript (including date of graduation) sent to 本科招生. 如果最终的高中成绩单反映出成绩明显下降的趋势, 365英国上市官网保留撤销录取通知书的权利.
  3. Follow these links to request that your 坐 and/or 行为 results be sent to 365英国上市官网.
    • 行为 - OU的学校代码是2033
    •  - OU的学校代码是1497
美联社/ IB / CLEP / DSST政策

365英国上市官网 welcomes students who have gone above and beyond by earning college-level credit through Advanced Placement (AP), 国际文凭(IB), the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). OU’s 司法常务官办公室 evaluates and awards credit or exemption for certain scores on AP, IB, CLEP和DSST. 我们也认可IB文凭. 你应该申请入学,并确保将你的分数直接发送到学校 司法常务官办公室 进行评估.


365英国上市官网自豪地欢迎在家接受教育的学生来到校园. Home-schooled students applying for admission need to supply a transcript and meet regular admissions requirements, 最低分数为1020分(基于证据的阅读) & 坐的写作和数学),或者行为的最低20分. 您可以打印并提交 记录的形式 与您的在线申请一起,如果需要的话.


  • 处理你的申请,确保所有材料都已收到
  • 确定你的入学平均绩点
  • 对你的申请做出决定
  • 通过美国与你分享这个决定.S. 邮件

许多在家上学的学生也选择这样做 dual-enroll 在365英国上市官网.

格 students applying for admission to 365英国上市官网 must be at least 18 years old and have a 格 score of at least 165 in each subject area (for a total score of 660 or higher). 如果你在1月1日之前获得了格, 2014, 你可以以55分或550分获得入学资格, 这取决于当时的考试评分系统. Please have your official 格 score sent to 本科招生 when applying for admission.



作为公开大学的新生, you may transfer up to half of the minimum credits required for your intended degree from a community college. 你接受 转移信用 from all regionally accredited institutions and some non-regionally accredited institutions. All students transferring to OU must earn at least 45 credits 在365英国上市官网 to complete a bachelor’s program.

在你被录取后,你将收到一份官方的转学学分评估. 所有课程以2分完成.评估0(或同等)或更高的分数. 你可以使用转学课程来满足通识教育和专业要求. Academic departments will review transcripts for credits to be used toward major requirements by the end of your first semester at OU. 公开大学参与了几个社区学院转学协议,包括 密歇根转让协议 (MTA). 了解……的好处 根据转让协议 .

你也可以跟着转 节目指南 在密歇根州任何一所社区大学申请你想要就读的开放大学专业.


365英国上市官网 carefully and thoughtfully considers all of the information applicants provide at the point of application. OU's application review process involves the careful reading and consideration of each applicant. An applicant for admission may submit an appeal if there is new information that was not previously provided at the point of application.

你可以向法院提出上诉 本科招生主任,连同下列文件:
  1. A description of the new information (not already included in your original admissions application) that should be considered by the Director. 这些新信息可能与申请人的学习成绩有关, 或者对可减轻罪责的情况的描述, 在最初申请时没有提供哪些.
  2. 任何相关补充资料, 包括更新的成绩单或标准化考试成绩, 如果适用的话.


(248) 370-3360

m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
8点30分.m. - 4:30 p.m.